To join the Vermilion Gun Club, ​click link below to download a Membership Application Form and print the form from that page.
If you are unable to download copy of the membership application from the website please contact us by email at and we will send you a membership application form.
Memberships are valid from January 1 through December 31 of the year of purchase. Please be aware that annual memberships expire on December 31 of the current year. Any memberships purchased before December 1 will only apply for the year of purchase. New memberships purchased after December 1 will apply to the next year but will allow access during the current year.
VGC memberships may be purchased at the Vermilion CO-OP Gas Bar, from any of the executive members or by mailing in a Member Application Form. Fill out the form, sign it and mail it in with your check or money order to the address on the form. The Vermilion Gun Club now accepts payment via E-Transfer by email at
NFA Membership and Insurance is included in your coverage.
Please note that all new members are to familiarize themselves with the Range Rules for the Vermilion Gun Club that are currently in force. Members may review the current Range Rules by reading them of the Range Rules section of this Website, by reviewing the posted Range Rules at the entrance to the Firing Line at the gun range or by contacting the club at and requesting a copy of the Range Rules that are in force. If in doubt as to what any posted rule applies to or means contact a Vermilion Gun Club Board of Director for verification. Remember think "Safety First" in all actions when on the gun range Firing Line.
Membership Categories and Prices
Regular Membership: $ 75.00 per year.
A Regular member, having paid the current annual dues and being otherwise in good standing, shall have access to all facilities of the Club for which they are qualified, may hold office on the Club Executive, and shall have one vote in the proceedings of the Club.
Youth Membership: $10.00 per year.
A Youth Member shall be any member under the age of 18 and having paid the current annual dues and being otherwise in good standing, shall have access to all facilities of the Club for which they are qualified, but may not hold office and shall have no vote in the proceedings of the Club.
Family Membership: $ 100.00 per year.
A Family membership entitles one Family Member to the rights and privileges of an annual membership, shall have access to all facilities of the Club for which they are qualified, may hold office on the Club Executive and shall have one vote in the proceedings of the Club. Family membership includes one other immediate family adult person and others in the immediate family under the age of 18 and living at the same residence. Immediate family members shall be permitted access to all facilities of the Club for which they are qualified, but may not hold office and shall have no vote in the proceedings of the Club.
Guest Policy
The Vermilion Gun Club is a member’s only club, but does allow our members to bring out a maximum of two participating guests with them at any one time. A guest is defined as an individual accompanying a member who is not covered under a Regular Membership or Family Membership and will be actively shooting under the supervision of the club member. Guests are restricted to a maximum of only two visits per year. If they wish to continue using the VGC facilities, they are expected to join the club.
Guests must sign into the Guest Registry Book and complete a Range Use Waiver form. Any guest failing to do so is not covered by insurance.
Non-shooting spectators are welcome to visit the range providing they comply with the Club’s Range Rules and do not interfere with other VGC members and their paid usage of the gun range. Spectators are not permitted under any circumstances to be on an Active Firing Line.
New Member Orientation
The Vermilion Gun Club does not require a new member to attend a mandatory orientation session. New members are encouraged to come out to any one of the weekly scheduled shoots or special shooting events to meet the VGC Executive members and other dedicated sport shooters. We encourage new members to get involved with the operation and maintenance of the gun range. The Vermilion Gun Club is operated and maintained by a small core of volunteers and your help and input as a member is critical in keeping the gun club viable and on-going.
Membership Obligations
You must have your current membership card with you when using the range. You may be asked by any executive member present to produce your card and verify your membership. Those who cannot produce a current membership card will be required to leave the range immediately. If you do not possess a current membership to the Vermilion Gun Club you will be required to leave the range immediately and will be required to purchase a membership at any of the locations noted above before returning to use the range.
Any vandalism or damage to the range and VGC property as a result of your or your guests actions will result in the termination of your current membership, and any cost of repairs will be passed onto the offender.